HomeNews & IdeasPerspectivesDon’t Churn Customers, Upgrade!

Don’t Churn Customers, Upgrade!

This Carrier Management piece “Soft Commercial Market Ahead: Prepare for Underwriter ‘Herd Behavior’” applies even more to Personal Lines carriers. For example, today carriers have raised rates so much that profitability is soaring. That is leading them to ‘open the spigots’ for growth. Yet as we have pointed out before, most carriers are just trading customers in a futile orgy of ‘churn’.  Only a handful of leading, real-time data and intervention capable carriers will use this temporary euphoria to ‘trade up’, replacing bad risks and bad deals with better ones. While everyone ends up just a little bit worse than last time. Only to suit up and do the same thing again during the next cycle.

VeracityIDTM believes there’s a better way. idFusionTM lets personal lines carriers build hundreds of risk-specific detection, intervention and management solutions on top of their existing core systems. Without programming or IT intervention. believes there’s a better way. idFusionTM lets personal lines carriers build hundreds of risk-specific detection, intervention and management solutions on top of their existing core systems. Without programming or IT intervention.


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