HomeSolutionsRisk Insights for Homeowners

Risk Insights for Homeowners

idFusion unites the entire organization around the "Power of Now"

Risk Scenario Analysis

Enables hypothesis testing and outcome based views including margin, cost to serve (frequency of changes, claims, non-pays), duration, cancel/reinstate, rules development & a-b testing. Lets business teams target real opportunities.

Suspicious Behavior

Tracks transactional behavior – in quote, inter-quote changes, prior policies; suspicious connections, missing data, known bad guy, suspicious event sequences such as claims near endorsements and cancel/reinstates near a claim.

Lifetime Value

Delivers a ‘Whole customer view’ from comprehensive data idFusion maintains. Components include: expected duration, NPE, multiple product vs single, LAE per claim by type, UEP, cost to serve (frequency & type of changes, inquiries), policy size (Total Revenue), acquisition costs and cancel costs.

Hot Spot Analytics

Enable identification of high loss & high profit segments by geography, demography, channel, attributes, behavior, LTVC, risk scores and other strategic details.

Serial Behaviors

Detect serial changes, serial claims within and across policies as risk and cost indicators for inclusion in origination and claims decisioning.

Book Studies

Streamlined and much more efficient approach to compliance, DOI requests, actuarial, risk scoring and other studies.

Suspicious Relationships

Graph based – frequent connections, pattern recognition that can be used to update risk scoring and customer interaction (Happy vs. Hard paths).

Fraud Networks

Monitors for high risk connections and connection trends and alerts business teams.

Known Fraudsters

Flags previously investigated persons, entities and alerts when observed in an activity or closely connected to the observed.

Opportunistic Fraud Prevention

Identify recycled assets, undocumented assets/inventory and images/image capture.

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