Data isn't the (only) answer
Underwriting fraud is the presentation of false or incomplete information by the customer and/or agent about a risk in order to receive […]
Adaptation, Anti Fragility and the Insurance Company
In his book Antifragile Nassim Nicholas Taleb breaks all things into three categories: the fragile, the robust and the anti-fragile. Take for […]
Why is it so hard to catch fraudsters?
People who commit insurance fraud over and over again. They do it because they get away with it. But how do they […]
Where's the "Vig"?
Vig is short for “vigorish” a Yiddish word that means the ‘cut’ or ‘take’ that a bookie or loan shark gets from […]
How to solve the Commercial Vehicle Classification as Personal Vehicle Problem
It turns out that quite a few owners of commercial vehicles dishonestly insure them as personal vehicles. Indeed in our personal automotive […]
How to get your auto insurance company to fix your car for free
Say you have some damage to your car: nothing great, maybe a few dents up front with some scratches amounting to a […]
How to fight the Property and Casualty Direct Market Brands when joining them isn't really an option
Recently it was reported that Geico had passed Allstate to become the second largest personal lines property and casualty insurer in the […]
The "Corporate App" path to high impact information services
The concept of the “Corporate App” What VeracityID has done is create, in effect, a “Corporate App” for Auto Insurance. You no […]
Breaking the Logjam in Auto Insurance IT
Online, real time pricing and the “20% fraud” problem in Auto InsuranceCustomers have been taught by the increased adoption of the internet […]
idFusion and the Corporate "App"
The two core capabilities for a Property & Casualty Insurer are: Pricing risk right Paying all valid but only valid claims Excel […]
The only thing worse than growing too fast is growing too slow
The Property and Casualty insurance business is filled with examples of companies that grew too fast and as a result saw the […]
Garbage in Garbage out? What happens to real time end to end processing without real time end to end fraud management?
Relentless market forces are driving P&C insurers to make risk-based decisions in real-time, 24/7 across every channel. And consumers are taking full […]