The Carrier Challenge
Applicants whose vehicles are or may likely be used for commercial purposes are generally excluded from personal lines coverage. idFusionTM applies a multifactor approach to discern commercial use risk and employs multiple intervention strategies to ensure appropriate risks accepted.
Applicable Service Verticals: Personal Lines Auto

Solution Description
Underwriter writes a rule in idRuleBuilder that searches during the application high probability of commercial use VINs. He writes an idResolve intervention session that is invoked when the rule is triggered. The session will execute a combination of:
- Asking the customer if they intend to use the vehicle for commercial use.
- Warning the customer that commercial use is prohibited.
- Requiring the customer to sign an e-document that states that the vehicle will not be used for commercial purposes.
- Querying an external database of street-view vehicle images and presenting them back to the customer.
- Reviewing the images using AI detection (coming soon) to preliminarily determine use and escalating to an underwriter.
- Requesting secure images of the vehicle using the idFetch™ secure image collection applet and reviewing them using AI detection (coming soon) to preliminarily determine use and escalating to an underwriter.
Financial Impact
Reduces excess claims by eliminate higher risk commercial use claims
Can eliminate an estimated one half of one percent of vehicles that are commercial use in the typical personal lines auto book at an excess loss savings of $XX per vehicle