

Platform Tools

idFusion gives you a range of advanced analytical tools to rapidly detect and value emerging risk opportunities/threats.


idResolve is a highly configurable, flexible and powerful fraud intervention service that is invoked when fraud rules are triggered or suspicious entities are detected during a customer, call center or agent online session via a web interface.

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idRuleBuilder gives carriers the ability to design, test and deploy customizable, microtargeted business risk rules and risk resolution workflow to optimize business selection, mitigate fraud and misrepresentation risk, implement agency management and channel controls.

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idAnalyze is a powerful analytical toolkit that delivers powerful querying and analytical capabilities to idFusion customers.

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idQuoteMonitor enables carriers to detect and prevent rate evasion during live application processes by monitoring anomalies in application data and unexpected changes in and between quotes, policies, claims and other information acquired during the application and/or endorsement process.

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idWorkbench the starting point for idFusion. It is a secure, roles-based representation of and access point to all idFusion services. It includes a sophisticated, configurable case management system, access to a callable idMobile service, query and reporting tools to analyze all policy and network information, and collaboration tools to enable cross functional case, data and insight collaboration.

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idNetwork is idFusion’s social network (graph data) risk analysis toolbox and a key components of the idFusion real-time fraud detection solution.

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Productivity Tools

idFusion gives you a range of advanced analytical tools to rapidly detect and value emerging risk opportunities/threats.


idResolve is a highly configurable, flexible and powerful fraud intervention service that is invoked when fraud rules are triggered or suspicious entities are detected during a customer, call center or agent online session via a web interface.

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idRuleBuilder gives carriers the ability to design, test and deploy customizable, microtargeted business risk rules and risk resolution workflow to optimize business selection, mitigate fraud and misrepresentation risk, implement agency management and channel controls.

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idAnalyze is a powerful analytical toolkit that delivers powerful querying and analytical capabilities to idFusion customers.

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idQuoteMonitor enables carriers to detect and prevent rate evasion during live application processes by monitoring anomalies in application data and unexpected changes in and between quotes, policies, claims and other information acquired during the application and/or endorsement process.

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idWorkbench the starting point for idFusion. It is a secure, roles-based representation of and access point to all idFusion services. It includes a sophisticated, configurable case management system, access to a callable idMobile service, query and reporting tools to analyze all policy and network information, and collaboration tools to enable cross functional case, data and insight collaboration.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Velit sit mauris ullamcorper sagittis ultricies sit nec justo.
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idNetwork is idFusion’s social network (graph data) risk analysis toolbox and a key components of the idFusion real-time fraud detection solution.

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Risk Analysis Services

idFusion gives you a range of advanced analytical tools to rapidly detect and value emerging risk opportunities/threats.


idRuleBuilder gives carriers the ability to design, test and deploy customizable, microtargeted business risk rules and risk resolution workflow to optimize business selection, mitigate fraud and misrepresentation risk, implement agency management and channel controls.

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idQuoteMonitor enables carriers to detect and prevent rate evasion during live application processes by monitoring anomalies in application data and unexpected changes in and between quotes, policies, claims and other information acquired during the application and/or endorsement process.

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idNoPay is a cloud service that identifies applications with listed drivers who have unpaid premium balances left over from prior policies.

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TrustMark Risk Score™

TrustMark risk scores employ rigorous modeling techniques to a wide array of customer application, policy and claims behavioral indicators to assign and continuously update risk levels associated with each driver or claimant in a carrier network.

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Productivity Services


idDamageDetect™ is an AI/ML-enabled tool that reviews and detects damage on the exterior of vehicles from secure images captured by the idFetch™ image capture mobile web service.

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idDocReader is an AI/ML-powered tool that captures key information from insurance (e.g. Letter of Experience, Declaration Pages) and other types of risk-verification documents (e.g. drivers license, vehicle registration, address verification). idDocReader can be invoked automatically at POS to validate a questionable detail or document as a key risk assumption

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Data Capture


idFetch™ is a highly flexible, user-customizable mobile service that allows carriers to automatically or manually direct secure requests to customer mobile devices and gather authentication, image capture (e.g., manifests of persons, vehicles, documents, properties, etc.) and GPS/device data during the sales process to execute risk assessment and mitigation actions.

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idGetData is a Value-Added API Service designed for the insurance industry and delivered as Software as a Service (‘SaaS’). It allows carriers of all sizes to add or replace the many interfaces with third-party data and service providers with a single interface to a managed data and services acquisition hub.

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End User Services


idAnalyze is a powerful analytical toolkit that delivers powerful querying and analytical capabilities to idFusion customers.

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idNetwork is idFusion’s social network (graph data) risk analysis toolbox and a key components of the idFusion real-time fraud detection solution.

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idWorkbench the starting point for idFusion. It is a secure, roles-based representation of and access point to all idFusion services. It includes a sophisticated, configurable case management system, access to a callable idFetch™ service, query and reporting tools to analyze all policy and network information, and collaboration tools to enable cross functional case, data and insight collaboration.

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Intervention Services


idResolve is a highly configurable, flexible and powerful fraud intervention service that is invoked when fraud rules are triggered or suspicious entities are detected during a customer, call center or agent online session via a web interface. idResolve is the key gateway to engaging in online interactions with agents, customers and call center personnel to resolve risk issues.

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Case Example: How idFusion rapidly delivers value





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